Data Science

Best Data Science Course Training In Hyderabad

The various stages of the Data Science Lifecycle are explored in the trajectory of this course. This Best Data Science Course in Hyderabad begins with an introduction to Statistics, Probability, Python, and R programming. The student will then conceptualize Data Preparation, Data Cleansing, Exploratory Data Analysis, and Data Mining (Supervised and Unsupervised). Comprehend the theory behind Feature Engineering, Feature Extraction, and Feature Selection. Participants will also learn to perform Data Mining(Supervised) with Linear Regression and Predictive Modeling with Multiple Linear Regression Techniques. Data Mining Unsupervised using Clustering, Dimension Reduction, and Association Rules are also dealt with in detail. Best Data Science Course In India

Best Data Science Course In India

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Data Science Course In Hyderabad

Testbug Solutions provides the Data Science Course in Hyderabad to help you become an industry-competent data scientist. The course allows you to learn from scratch and according to the industrial requirements. The Data Science Course has been in high demand in recent years, and our course is designed to provide you with current knowledge in the field. Our approach to practical and theoretical education provides a richer learning experience. Our Data Science institute in Hyderabad is cost-effective and even guarantees an interview at top MNCs and FinTech Startups. Best Data Science Course In India.

Data Science Overview

Data science is a combination of multiple fields and domains including Artificial Intelligence (AI), data analytics, scientific methods, statistics, etc. Data science Courses in India are all about extracting and analyzing different forms of data using various tools and techniques to come up with robust solutions and information that help businesses make better decisions. The data science course in Hyderabad uses comprehensive machine-learning techniques to come up with compound models. data science online course
People who work with and practice data science are known as data scientists. MindQ Systems offers the best Data Science course in Hyderabad with extensive training methods and techniques. Data science is one of the most in-demand courses across the globe, for its intuitive and remarkable data mining and resourcing capabilities from data lakes and databases. Data Science is capable of providing insightful solutions and outcomes that can greatly benefit large-scale companies and help them improvise and extend their services in a better and updated manner. The data science online course provided by us comes with a customized curriculum, taught by the best trainers in Hyderabad. You will also be rewarded with a course completion certificate to validate your skills and experience.  Data science online course Best Data Science Course In India

Data Science Course in Hyderabad Highlights

  • Learn the essential fundamentals of Data science.
  • High-end training from experts with 12+ years of experience.
  • Tailored course curriculum
  • Data analysis test cases for practical exposure
  • Mock interviews and assessments.
  • Verified Data Science course completion certificate.
  • 100% placement assistance
  • Resume Preparation
  • Build recognized credibility in your profile. Data Science Course In Hyderabad



Module 1: Python

➢ Introduction to
➢ Python
➢ History of Python
➢ Python Installation
➢ IDE’s – Pycharm
➢ Identifiers
➢ Statements
➢ Comments
➢ Variables
➢ Basic Python
➢ Types of Data Types
➢ Integers
➢ Float
➢ Complex
➢ Boolean
➢ String
➢ Operators
➢ Memory ManagIntroduction to





Module 2: Core Python

➢ Conditional Statements
➢ Iterative Statements
➢ Interruptive Statements
➢ List
➢ Tuple
➢ Set
➢ Dictionary
➢ Functions
➢ Core Python
➢ Arguments Type
➢ Nested Function
➢ Closure Property
➢ Recursion
➢ Files
➢ Text Files
➢ CSV Files
➢ PDF Files

Module 3: Advance Python

➢ Oops
➢ Inheritance
➢ Polymorphism
➢ Encapsulation
➢ Abstraction
➢ Lambda Function
➢ Advance Python
➢ Map, Filter, Reduce
➢ Regular Expression
➢ Exception Handling
➢ Serialization

Module 4:Database / Data Manipulation-Numpy


➢ What is Numpy
➢ History of Numpy
➢ What is Ndarray
➢ Creating Numpy Array
➢ Array Function
➢ Creating Numpy Array
➢ Array Attributes
➢ Creating Multi-Dimensional
➢ Array
➢ Extracting Data from Arrays
➢ Numpy
➢ Using Indexing
➢ Using Slicing
➢ Boolean Indexing
➢ Random Indexing
➢ Resizing & Reshaping
➢ Transpose
➢ Vector multiplication
➢ Array Attributes
➢ Array Operations
➢ Broadcasting Rules


Module 5: Database / Data Manipulation-Pandas

➢ What is Data Manipulation
➢ What is Pandas
➢ History of Pandas
➢ What is Data Structure
➢ Pandas Data Structure
➢ Series
➢ DataFrame
➢ Creating Series
➢ Creating DataFrame
➢ Extracting Data
➢ Manipulation of Data
➢ Inserting Columns & Rows
➢ Changing Columns & Rows
➢ Pandas
➢Deleting column /
rows Re-indexing
➢Options Customization
➢Indexing & Selecting
➢Date Functionality
➢Identifying Outlier
➢Replace NaN using
➢Deleting using Drop,
➢Concatenate and Merge
➢Groupby, Pivot Table
and Cross Tab







Module 6:Database / Data Manipulation


➢ What is Database?
➢ Types of Databases?
➢ What is DBMS?
➢ What is RDBMS?
➢ History of RDBMS

Module7:SQL Database

➢ SQL Server / MySql
➢ CRUD Operation
➢ Select … Where
➢ Insert
➢ Update
➢ Delete
➢ Joins
➢ Primary & Foreign Keys
➢ Connectivity with

Module8:NoSQL Database


➢ What is NoSQL DB
➢ History MongoDB
➢ Features NoSQL
➢ Databases
➢ Create & Drop Database
➢ Create & Drop
➢ Collection
➢ Data Types
➢ Create, Insert, Update,
➢ Delete
➢ Query Document


➢ What is Statistics
➢ Types of Statistics
➢ What is Population
➢ What is Sample
➢ Different Sampling
➢ Statistics Terminology

Descriptive Statistics
➢Central Tendency
➢Measure of Variability
➢Dispersion Measures
➢Data Distributions

Inferential Statistics

➢ Hypothesis
➢ Types of Hypothesis
➢ Null Hypothesis
➢ Alternative Hypothesis
➢ Chi-Square Test
➢ Anova Test
➢ T-Test
➢ Z-Test


Module 8: Web Driver –Framework

➢ Introduction to Various Frameworks.
➢ Data Driven Tests Using POI
➢ Reading, Writing data into Excel.
➢ Data base Connection (JDBC).
➢ Reading , Writing Data Into MYSQL, SQL.
➢ Page Object Model Framework (POM).
➢ Writing Scripts Using POM.

Module 9:TestNG
  •  ➢ Configuring Test Suits.
    ➢ Passing Parameters to Tests.
    ➢ Parallel Test Execution Capability.
    ➢ Re-run Failed Test Scripts.
    ➢ Attributes of @Test.
    ➢ Running TestNG Suite from Command Prompt.
Module 10:Buil Automation Tool [Maven]
 Creating  Maven Project
➢Understanding of POM.XML
➢Maven Integration With TestNG
➢Executing Scripts Using Maven Build Tool.
   Cucumber Frame Work 
➢Overview of BDD ,TDD.
 ➢Cucumber project Setup.
➢Gherkin Keywords.
➢Working With Simple Scenario.
➢Cucumber Options
➢Generating Cucumber Reports.
                 a)Working With Data table
                 b)Page Object Model in Cucumber.
                 c)Background and Hooks Example in cucumber.
     Continuous integration tool (Jenkins)
          ➢Configuring Jenkins.
          ➢Executing the windows commands in Jenkins free.
          ➢Creating Maven Job.
          ➢Manage Plug –Ins.
          ➢Scheduling the Jobs.
Module 11:Git Hub

➢ What is Version Control System.
➢ What Is GitHub.
➢ Git Commands.
➢ Pushing our project into GitHub.
➢ Git vs Github.

Module 12: Selenium Grid
  ➢ What Is Selenium Grid.
 ➢ Setting up Grid- Hub and     Nodes
 ➢ Running test Scripts on Selenium Grid.
Module 13: API Manual Testing
    Api Testing Essentials.
➢Web Services Testing Introduction.
➢Why Do We Need web Services?
➢Types of Web Services
         A) SOAP           B) REST
        ➢Difference Between SOAP AND REST MORE.
➢What Is API
➢What is Rest API
➢Why Rest is Architecture.
➢URL vs URI vs API.
➢HTTP Introduction .
➢POSTMAN TOOL Introduction.
➢Practise Different API  POSTMAN tool.
➢Collection Variables vs Global Variables.
➢Explore Header
➢Header Types.
            A) Fixed Headers 
            B) Dynamic Headers
➢Different Types Of  Parameters .
              A) Path Parameter        b) Query Parameter
              C) Header Parameter      d) Body Parameter
➢Different Authorizations in Postman.
➢HTTP Status Code
 A) Informational          b) Success
       C) BI- Direction              d) Client Said Error
       e)   Server Said Error
➢Data Driven Testing Postman Tool.
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