
Python Online Course

Testbug IT Solutions offers comprehensive Python Full Stack training in Hyderabad, designed to equip students with the skills needed for a successful career in web development. The course covers both front-end and back-end technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django, and RESTful API development, with a strong emphasis on Python programming.

The training is tailored for beginners as well as experienced professionals looking to enhance their skills. In addition to technical knowledge, students receive hands-on project experience, preparing them for real-world challenges in the IT industry.

Testbug IT Solutions stands out by offering placement assistance, helping students connect with top companies in the field. With a strong network of hiring partners and a dedicated placement cell, graduates have a high chance of landing jobs soon after completing the course.

By combining expert instruction, practical training, and job placement support, Testbug IT Solutions ensures that students are well-prepared for a rewarding career as Python Full Stack developers in Hyderabad and beyond.

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Training In Hyderabad

About Course

The Python Full Stack course at Testbug IT Solutions is a comprehensive program designed to provide in-depth knowledge of both front-end and back-end development. This course covers essential technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Django, and database management, enabling students to build dynamic and responsive web applications from scratch.

Key features of the course include:

  • Front-end Development: Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create engaging user interfaces.
  • Back-end Development: Master Python, Django, and REST APIs to build powerful server-side applications.
  • Database Management: Work with databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL for efficient data handling.
  • Hands-on Projects: Gain practical experience by working on real-world projects.
  • Placement Assistance: Benefit from job placement support with connections to top companies in the industry.

The course is ideal for both beginners and experienced developers looking to upgrade their skills. It focuses on practical learning, ensuring that students are industry-ready by the time they complete the program. With personalized mentoring, flexible schedules, and expert faculty, this course is designed to help you succeed in the competitive IT job market.

Who Can Learn ?

  • Java programmers.
  • Testing Engineers.
  • Networking professional.
  • Engineering and Computer Science Students.
  • Fresher’s.
Module 1: . Introduction to Python

 ➢ What is Python?
 ➢ Python’s history and popularity.
 ➢ Installing Python.
 ➢ Python interpreters and environments.

Module 2: Python Basics

➢Variables and data types (integers, floats, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, etc.).
➢Basic arithmetic operations.
➢Input and output (print and input functions).
➢Comments and documentation.

Module 3: . Control Structures

 ➢Conditional statements (if, elif, else).
➢Loops (for and while).
➢Iteration and looping through data structures.

Module 4: Functions
  • ➢Defining and calling functions.
    ➢Function parameters and return values.
    ➢Scope and namespaces.
    ➢Lambda functions

Module 5: Data Structures

➢Lists and list manipulation.
➢Dictionaries and dictionary manipulation.

Module 6:File Handling

➢Reading and writing files.
➢Working with text and binary files.

Module7:Exception Handling

 ➢Handling errors and exceptions.
➢The try-except block.

Module8:Object-Oriented Programming

➢Classes and objects.
➢Inheritance and polymorphism.
➢Encapsulation and abstraction.

Module8:. Modules and Packages

 ➢Importing modules.
➢Creating and using custom modules.
➢Introduction to Python’s standard library

Module10:Working with Libraries

➢Introduction to popular libraries (e.g., NumPy, pandas, matplotlib).
➢Installing and using third-party packages.

Module11:Functional Programming

➢Lambda functions.
➢map, filter, and reduce functions.
➢List comprehensions.

Module12:Advanced Topics

➢Generators and iterators.
➢Multithreading and multiprocessing.
➢Regular expressions

Module13:Introduction to Web Development

➢Basic web frameworks like Flask or Django.
➢Building a simple web application.

Module14:. Data Science and Machine Learning

➢Using Python for data analysis.
➢Introduction to machine learning libraries like scikit-learn and TensorFlow.

Module15:. Best Practices and Code Quality

➢Code style guidelines (PEP 8).
➢Debugging techniques.
➢Unit testing.

Module 16: . Introduction to Web Development and Django

➢Understanding web development concepts.
➢What is Django, and why use it?
➢Setting up the development environment.

Module 17: . Django Basics

➢Creating a Django project.
➢Understanding the project structure.
➢Creating a Django app.
➢The Django development server

Module 18. Models and Databases

➢Defining database models using Django’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM).
➢Creating and applying database migrations.
➢Querying the database using the Django ORM.
➢Admin interface for managing database records.

Module 19: Views and Templates

➢Creating views to handle HTTP requests.
➢Using templates to generate dynamic HTML.
➢URL routing and mapping views to URLs

Module 20: Forms and User Inpu

➢Creating HTML forms using Django forms.
➢Handling form submissions and validation.
➢Integrating forms with views and templates

Module 21: User Authentication and Authorizatio

➢Implementing user authentication.
➢Managing user accounts and profiles.
➢User permissions and access control

Module22:Static and Media Files

➢Serving static files (CSS, JavaScript, images) in Django.
➢Handling user-uploaded media files.

Module23:Django Admin Panel

➢Customizing the Django admin interface.
➢Creating custom admin views and actions

Module24:. Django ORM Advanced Features

➢Many-to-one and many-to-many relationships.
➢Querysets and database optimization.
➢Database transactions.

Module25:RESTful APIs with Django Rest Framework

➢Building API endpoints using Django Rest Framework.
➢Serializers and views for APIs.
➢Authentication and permissions for APIs.

Module26:Testing and Debugging

➢Writing unit tests for Django applications.
➢Debugging techniques for finding and fixing issues.

Module27:Deployment and Production

➢Preparing Django applications for production.
➢Hosting and deploying Django apps on web servers.
➢Database deployment and management.

Modul28:Advanced Django Topics

➢Custom template tags and filters.

Module29:Security Best Practices

➢Preventing common web vulnerabilities (e.g., CSRF, XSS).
➢Using Django’s built-in security features

Module30:Performance Optimization

 ➢Techniques for optimizing Django applications.
➢Profiling and monitoring.

Python Course Syllabus

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